
A Minute Ago … 7 years of memories came to reality in-front of me .

A Minute Ago … Feelings like caring , loving , jealousy and sharing every second that were buried away came back to life inside of me .

As they always say words cannot describe feelings and they are right about it .. i’ll try as hard as i can to describe to you the girl who did this to me ” and i wrote this for her like 3 years ago but never told her ” :

” she can kill with a smile

she can wound with her eyes

she can ruin your faith with her casual lies

and she only reveals what she wants you to see

she hides like a child

but she’s always a woman to me

she can lead you to love

she can take you or leave you

she can ask for the truth

but she’ll never believe

she’ll take what you give her and hear what you say to her as long as it’s free

but she’s always a woman to me ”

as i always told you you’re one of the most beautiful things that have ever happened to meĀ .

Your loyal friend